Yoga Journal
Why Do Restoratives?
When your practice Restorative poses it reconnects the communication inside cells and between cells and tissue of the body. Deep relaxation facilitates the flow of fluids through the body, cellular respiration. There is a gradual shifting of chronic hyperarousal of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and anchors you into the base support of you parasympathetic Nervous system (PSN). This shift helps heal the damage of chronic stress and boosts the immune system.
Healthy Aging
Healthy aging does not mean extending or increasing your life span it mean keeping healthy as long as possible, free from chronic illness. Regular exercise with and including stress management practices such as breath work, meditation and even aromatherapy. Physical as well as brain health are need to prevent stress related diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke or bone loss.
Independent Life and Lifelong well-being
The best prescription for an independent life is one that combines four physical skills: strength, flexibility, balance and agility. These allow you to be mobile in the world. To maintain these skills brain health and emotional stability are also so important. To manage chronic stress, and maintain emotional stability you need to be open to new ways of thinking about your life and how you fit into the world as you age.
Benefits of a Yoga Therapy Session
An appropriate Yoga practice can help you achieve a vibrant life as you age. “Independence means being able to live on your own and engage in activities that you love and that give life meaning.”( B. Bell, /YFHA.) How does the resonate with you? Have you changed what you love to do now in comparison to when you were 30 or 40? To foster well-being these are questions you want to ask yourself so that your quality of life is at the standard you want. Learn how to maintain a standard of life you want by signing up for a private yoga therapy session and learn more about its benefits..